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Updated: Sep 26, 2021

Thanks for visiting my blog! I started my first blog (MentalMarkers - My thoughts on the run) way back when blogging was all the rage, as a way to share running thoughts & experiences. Since then my life & runs have taken me places I never would have imagined!

I am a California girl living in Up Nort' in Northern MN with my AMAZING husband, Mark, and our adorable black lab, Beamer. When I share this with people, I am met with shock & awe, followed by questions like:

You moved to MN from CA?


Do you miss CA?

What do you do?

What does your husband do?

Why did you move to Northern MN?

From these interactions, I have recognized I have a unique story and interesting experiences to share which is what this blog is all about! My experiences Up Nort' and on the run! I hope it will motivate & inspire others, or simply be a place to stop by and see what's going on Up Nort' and what's interesting out in the running world.

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